Do we have access to The Atlantic?
Current students and faculty have access to The Atlantic via Factiva. The coverage is good but it is not complete. If you are unable to find or access the full text of an Atlantic article in Factiva, it may be for one of the following reasons:
- you are accessing it from the Web News tab instead of the Publications tab on the results page (example here)
- the dates searched is at the default in the last 3 months but your article is older
- it is too recent
- there is a 1 day delay in articles going in to Factiva
- articles published online but dated for a future print issue may not yet be available
- the article is originally from another publication / is a book excerpt and The Atlantic is republishing it
- it is one of the few unavailable articles
If you are having trouble retrieving an article, please email us at with the full details.